diumenge, 29 de març del 2020



1. What is the title of the film?

2. Who is the director?
    Christian Ditter
3. Who is the screenwriter?
     Juliette Towhidi


4. Where does the action take place?
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama,              adventure, science fiction)
     Comedy romantic


7. Who are the main characters?
     Rosie and Alex (in the film)
     Lily Collins and Sam Claflin (in real)
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

 Lily Collins
         Height:1,65 m
         Age: 31 years old
         Nationality social: British
         Personal background: Actress and model

Sam Claflin
       Height: 1,80 m
       Age: 33 years old   
       Nationality social: British
       Personal background: Actor


Write 4 words from the film and...
Friendship, love, secret, pregnancy

9. Write a definition in English

Friendship: Relationship of affection, sympathy and trust.
What happens to people who are not your family.
Love: Feeling of great affection towards a person who would give whatever it is because he is happy.
Secret: thing that is only known by a person or a small group of them and that is reserved or hidden from others.
Pregnancy: State in which the pregnant woman is.

10. Translate them into Catalan

Amistat: Relació d’afecte, simpatia i confiança.
Què passa amb persones que no són la vostra família.
Amor: Sensació de molt afecte cap a una persona que donaria el que sigui perquè fosi feliç.
Secret: cosa que només coneix una persona o un grup reduït d’elles i que està reservada o oculta als altres.
Embaràs: Estat en què es troba la dona embarassada.

11.Write one sentence with each word

Friendship: Amani and me have a very strong friendship.
Love: My love is a mystery.
Secret: You tell my secret, i hate you!!
Pregnancy: My mother is pregnant. 

Amb catala per si hu vols:
Amistat: Amani i jo tenim una amistat molt forta.
Amor: El meu amor és un misteri.
Secret: Tu dius el meu secret, t'odio !!
Embaràs: La meva mare està embarassada.

friendship                      love

secret                           pregnant

dijous, 12 de març del 2020

vocabulary: famili and relationship

Bring up=Educar
Deal with= Ocupar-se; Encarregar-se; Enfrontar-se
Get along=Avenir-se; Fer-se
Get in touch=Posar-se en contacte
Give up=Donar-se per vençut; Abandonar
Keep in touch=Mantenir el contacte
Look up to=Respectar; Admirar
Only child=Fill únic
Spoiled=Aviciat; Consentit
Support=Donar suport a
Take responsability= Asumir responsabilitat

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