dijous, 21 de novembre del 2019

Past simple


1+broke: My sister yesterday broke my leg.
1- broke: My sister yesterday didn't break my leg.
1?broke: Did my sister yesterday break my leg.

2+brought: My mother brought the food of my grandparents.
2-brought: My mother didn't bring the food of my grandparents.
2?brought: Did my mother bring the food of my grandparents.

3+fell: Last week my brother fell and broke the lamp.
3-fell: Last week my brother fall and broke the lamp.
3?fell: Did last week my brother fall and broke the lamp.

4+hanged: My friend lied me and hung up the phone.
4-hanged: My friend lie me and hang up the phone.
4?hanged: Did my friend lie me and hang up the phone.

5+chose: Friday chose my hamster.
5-chose: Friday choose my hamster.
5?:chose: Did friday choose my hamster.

6+froze: Yesterday my hans froze in the street because it is very cold.
6-froze: Yesterday my hans freeze in the street because it is very cold.
6?:froze: Did yesterday my hans freeze in the street because it is very cold.

7+sank: My friend sank in the pool.
7-sank: My friend sink in the pool.
7?sank: Did my friend sink in the pool.
8+sang: Yesterday i can not sang.
8-sang: Yesterday i can not sing.
8?sang: Did yesterday i can not sing.

9+spoke: My father spoke in one assembly.
9-spoke: My father speak in one assembly.
9?spoke: Did my father speak in one assembly.

10+told: Yesterday i told my adventure a my friends.
10-told: Yesterday i tell my adventure a my friends.
10?told: Did yesterday i tell my adventure a my friends.

11+caught: The last night caught a cicada.
11-caught: The last night catch a cicada.
11?caught: Did the last night catch a cicada.

12+hurt: My dog hurt my mother.
12-hurt: My dog hurt my mother.
12?hurt: Did my dog hurt my mother.

13+fought: My sister fought with my parents.
13-fought: My sister fight with my parents.
13?fought: My sister fight with my parents.

14+bled: My lips bled yesterday.
14-bled: My lips bleed yestreday.
14?bled: Did my lips vleed yesterday.

15+dreamt: Yesterday dreamt with lions.
15-dreamt: Yestreday dream with lions.
15?dreamt: Yesterday drem with lions.

16+sang: I sang in a concert.
16-sang: I sing in a concert.
16?sang: Did I in a conert.

17+forgot: My dog forgot my.
17-forgot: My dog forget my.
17?forgot: Did my dog forget my.

18+forgave: The Amina forgave the Miriam.
18-forgave: The Amina forgive the Miriam.
18?forgave: Did the Amina forgive the Miriam.

19+chose: I and my mother chose the dress of my wedding.
19-chose: I and my mother choose the dress of my wedding.
19?chose: Did i and my mother choose the dress of my wedding.

20-cut: I cut my lip.

dijous, 19 de setembre del 2019

Word order

1:He always drives his car at out of the garage at nine o'clock.
2:He often takes Mrs Hodges to town after breakfast.
3:They rarely find a parking place near the shops.
4:Mr Hodges sometimes parks his car in a garage.
5:I sometimes fly with my parents to florida in winter.
6:She often come to school late in spring last year.
7:They often have a cup of tea at the hotel about three o' clock in the afternoon.
8:They always meet their friends at the sports ground after dinner.
9:She always enjoys swimings very much in our pool in the morning.
10:He could hardly ski last year.

My Class mate

                             Jan Burgués

He name's is Jan Burgués, he lives in balaguer, he was born on 20 May 2004, he is 15 years old, he's have 1 sister younger. He's shoe size is 40-41, her birthday is on 20 May, he's 1'67 cm tall.

dijous, 12 de setembre del 2019


My name is Nerea Alías and i lives in Vallfogona de Balaguer, i  have 3 silbings, 2 brothers and 1 sister. My shoe size is 37-38,
My birthay is 29 th November, i am 1'53 cm tall.

dimecres, 8 de maig del 2019

Uses of get/Live Events

Uses of get:
Get a degree: Obtenir un titol

Get a house: obtenir una casa
Get a job: Obtenir una feina
Get a present: Rebre un regal
Get home: Arribar a casa 
Get married: Casar-se 
Get older: fer-se gran

Life events:
Be born: Neixer
Buy a house: comprar una casa
Die: Morir
Fall in love: Enamorar-se
Get a degree: Obtindre un titol
Get a job: Obtenir un treball
Get married: Casar-se
Get old: Fer-se gran
Go to university: Anar a la universitat
Grow up: Creixer
Have Children: Tenir fills
Learn to drive: Apendre a conduir
Leave home: Deixar la casa dels pares
Leave school: Deixar l'escola
Retire: Jubilar-se

dimecres, 3 d’abril del 2019


-Drawing dibuix
Resultat d'imatges de drawing
-Graffiti graffiti

Resultat d'imatges de graffiti

-Art installation instalació/obres

Imatge relacionada


Imatge relacionada

-Photograph fotografia

Resultat d'imatges de photograph

-Portrait retrat

Resultat d'imatges de portrait

-Pottery ceramica

Resultat d'imatges de pottery

-Print impresió/impres
Resultat d'imatges de print

-Sculpture escultura
Resultat d'imatges de sculpture
-Still life vida morta/Bodegó

Resultat d'imatges de still life


-Body painting

Resultat d'imatges de body painting

-Eyeliner marcador de ulls

Resultat d'imatges de eyeliner

-Face paint maquillatje

Resultat d'imatges de maquillatje

-Hairstyles pentinats
Imatge relacionada

-Lipstick pinta llabis 
Resultat d'imatges de pintallavis fuxia

-Mask mascarilla

Resultat d'imatges de mask black
-Neil varnish pintaungles

Resultat d'imatges de pintaungles

-Nose studs piercing nasal

Resultat d'imatges de `pircing nasal

-Piercings piercings

Resultat d'imatges de `pircing nasal

-Tattoos tatuatjes

Resultat d'imatges de tatuatje

-Wig perruca
Resultat d'imatges de peluca

dimecres, 27 de març del 2019

-ing adjectives


1.My sister is borring.
2.My situation is embarrasing.
3.My risk sport is exciting.
4.My cousin put the film frightening.
5.My father is relaxing.
6.My friend gave me a surprising present.
7.My legs after the marathon are tiring.
8.My sister is very worring.

dimecres, 20 de març del 2019

-ed adjectives


1. I feel bored when I am in the technology.
2. I feel embarrassed when I am the talk in the class.
3. I feel excited when I'm

.33 born my cousin, Ona.
4. I feel frightened when I seen a amani.
5. I feel relaxed when I seen

dimecres, 13 de març del 2019

present perfect exercise

1. I/go/to the library today.
 I have gone to the library today.

2.you /keep /a pet for three years.
 you have kept a pet for three years.

3.you/eat thai food before?
have you eaten thai food before?

4.it / rain all day? 
has it rained all day?

5.we/ not hear/ that song already.
we haven't heard that song already

6. she/ steal/ all the chocolate.
she has stolen all the chocolate.

ella ha robat tota la xocolata.

7.he / study/ latin.
he has studied latin.

ell ha estudiat llatí.

8.you/ not take/ a taxi.
you haven't taken a taxi.

tu no has agafat el taxi.

dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2019

dialogue: making an emergencency call

Nerea: Emergency service, which service do you requiere.
Carles: Ambulance, please!
Nerea: What's the problem? Tell me exactly  what has happed?
Carles: There's been an accident! A boys hit his head!
Nerea: When did this happen?
Carles: About thirty seconds ago. I've just seen it.
Nerea: All right. And where are you, exactly?
Carles: At Segre river park in balaguer.
Nerea: Ok. An ambulance is on the way. 
Carles: Thank you.
Nerea: Please hold on while i explain what you should do next.
           Is he councious?
Carles: yes, I think so.

dimecres, 6 de febrer del 2019


A: Emergency service, which service do you require?

B: Mountain rescure, please 

A:  What's the problem? tell me exactly what has happened.

B:  There's been an accident.
     a boy fall from a mountain
     and he broke his two legs. I have just seen it.

A:  Ok. when dit this happen?

B:  About two minutes ago.

A:  All right. And where are you, exactly?

B:  I'm in ´´EL MONSEC``.

A:  Ok. the mountain rescure is on the way.

B:  Great, thanks!

A:  Please hold on while . i explain what you should do next. Is he          conscious?

B: I don't know.

dimecres, 23 de gener del 2019



base jumping: salt base.
bmx: bmx.
bungee jumping: salt de puenting.
inline skating: anar amb patins.
kayaking: piragüisme.
motocross: motocross.
rafting: rafting.
rock climbing: escalada, alpinisme.
skydiving: caiguda lliure, paracaigudes.
surfing: surf.
waterskiing: esqui acuatic.

Resultat d'imatges de esqui aquatic gif

Police: policia.
FireBrigade: incendi de foc.
Anbulance: ambulancia.
mountain rescure: rescat de montanya.
accident: accident.
police car: cotxe policial.
fire engine: camió de bombers.
hospital: hospital.

Resultat d'imatges de emergencia foto

dimecres, 9 de gener del 2019

compatives and superlatives


      1. Amani's hair is longer than Mariamu's.
      2. kiril is taller than Didac.
      3. Mariamu is more beautiful than Jan. 
      4. Omar is stronger than Izar.
      5. Jan is wilder than Bailen.

      1. Amani's hair is the longest of the three.
      2. kiril is the tallest of the class.
      3. Mariamu is the most beautiful of Jan.
      4. Omar is the strongest of the class.
      5. Jan is the wildest of the class.